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Our Post-Bacc Pre-Medical Accelerated program is now offered as a graduate-level certificate.

Learn 更多的 about this graduate-level certificate and how it will help prepare you for medical, 牙科和兽医职业.

You’ll appreciate our successful outcomes: 100% of qualified 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 master’s and post-baccalaureate students were admitted to the medical school or health professions program of their choice during the 2022-2023 medical school application cycle. *

在近三十年的成功基础上, 我们提供研究生水平的课程, cohort-based, 面对面 program designed for the high-achieving student who is preparing to apply to medical, 牙科或兽医学校. 作为毕业证书, 该项目有资格获得联邦财政援助, 如果你需要的话,这可能会帮助你投资你的下一步.

The 学士学位阶段后的医学预科ical Accelerated program at Agnes Scott is a selective pre-medical laboratory science program designed for students who are career-changers who have excelled in their past academic career and want to apply to medical, 牙科或兽医学校.

You benefit from a community of dedicated faculty and advisers who will help you achieve success in preparing for medical school or other health professions program. We’ll help you develop a customized action plan for your medical or health professions application process — everything from MCAT preparation to personalized committee letters.

*Qualified applicants are defined as those who completed their program at Agnes Scott with a 3.平均绩点50或以上,MCAT/DAT/GRE成绩达到或超过第50百分位.



At Agnes Scott we know that changing 职业生涯 and preparing for medical school can seem challenging. That’s why we designed our 学士学位阶段后的医学预科ical program to ensure you have the necessary advising support and academic training to successfully enter the next stage of your education.

我们的12个月, 面对面, accelerated program offers you comprehensive studies in pre-medical laboratory sciences taught by our award-winning faculty:

  • 课程包括生物学学士后课程, 化学, 生物化学与物理, 以快节奏的研究生水平授课, to prepare you for the rigors of medical school or another health professions program.
  • 我们鼓励成绩优异的同学申请志愿服务, 研究生助学金和其他机会. 这些职位可以帮助你在申请医学院时占上风.
  • 担心MCAT? Our post-baccalaureate program includes an MCAT (or DAT or GRE) test prep course, 你可以选择普林斯顿评论或蓝图, 帮助您集中测试工作并优化测试结果. *

*正规博彩十大网站排名学院 does not endorse a particular test preparation company; however, we have established partnerships with The Princeton Review and Blueprint in an effort to provide services to students at no cost to the student. Students enrolled in one of the participating post-bacc or medical sciences master's programs have the discretion to utilize these no-cost options or select and pay for another test preparation company of their choosing.



一个小的队列模型真的能产生影响吗, 尤其是对像你这样成功转行的人? Students who experience our 学士学位阶段后的医学预科ical Accelerated program credit our small cohort model for enhancing their academic experience at Agnes Scott. You’ll develop a strong network of supportive peers as you strengthen your teamwork skills. 我们的小型学士后课程课程由关怀教授, 专业且经验丰富的教师队伍, 确保你得到个性化的关注和指导.

“我真的相信任何人都可以在这个项目中取得成功, 不管你是刚从大学毕业还是, 像我这样的, 一个有三个孩子的转行者! 这需要奉献精神和动力, but this program will provide you with the tools and the guidance to achieve 更多的 than you may have ever thought possible.” ——eva Cimaglia, 2023届医学预科速成学生


正规博彩十大网站排名与美世医学院合作, 莫尔豪斯医学院, and 费城骨科医学院 with a linkage agreement for Pre-Med 学士学位阶段后的 students who meet specific criteria.

Eligible students enrolled full-time in this post-bacc program are invited to apply for early assurance admission through this linkage to the MD degree at Mercer School of Medicine or Morehouse University School of Medicine.

Post-bacc students at Agnes Scott also benefit from a linkage with the Agnes Scott 医生 Assistant program. Qualified students who are currently enrolled in this program will be guaranteed an interview for admission consideration, 有可能实现他们成为医师助理的目标.


Gain More With Personal Health Professions Advising and Customized Committee Letters

作为一名医学预科后学士学位课程的学生, you’ll collaborate with health professions advisors to develop your personalized med school or health professions application path. 符合条件的学生将收到个性化的、详细的委员会信函. 每封信都是根据你的具体申请需求量身定制的. You can take advantage of this service for up to one year after you complete the program.

作为额外的福利,所有本科后的学生都会收到一个Interfolio帐户. Health professions advisers guide you through the process to store committee letters and application materials in your Interfolio Dossier, which connects directly with the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS).




Carlee一. 主教












露丝E. 仪式







物理学副教授 & 天文学/椅子


Laura Ragmanauskaite PB ' 15


Meet Laura Ragmanauskaite PB'15 and learn about how this former Pre-Medical post-bacc student found success on her journey to medicine.



We know you are driven to get into medical school or another health professions program on your way to a successful career change.

We know you are driven to get into medical school or another health professions program on your way to a successful career change. Many of our recent graduates have been accepted into the following medical programs:

  • 伯勒尔骨科医学院
  • 杜克大学
  • 东弗吉尼亚医学院
  • 爱德华维亚骨科医学院(奥本校区)
  • 埃默里大学
  • 林肯纪念大学-德布斯克骨科医学院
  • 乔治亚医学院
  • 梅哈里医学院
  • 美世大学
  • 莫尔豪斯医学院
  • 费城骨科医学院
  • 斯坦福大学
  • 佛罗里达大学
  • 佐治亚大学兽医学院
  • 迈阿密大学
  • 匹兹堡大学
  • 德克萨斯大学
  • 德克萨斯大学医学分部-约翰西利医学院
  • 范德比尔特大学
  • 耶鲁大学医学院
研究生s of our 学士学位阶段后的医学预科 program go on to successful 职业生涯 as medical doctors and other health professionals.

We’re here to answer your questions and assist you as you work through the process of applying to our accelerated 学士学位阶段后的医学预科ical Program.

  • 牙医
  • 医生
  • 兽医

